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Childhood museum,
A: Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL
The childhood museum is a fantastic place to reminisce about your childhood and to see child hood toys through the ages. The museum is set out in a time order so you can travel back through the decades and centuries to see what children had available to keep them entertained. You’ll also see toys from around the world. This is a light-hearted museum, great fun and very interesting.
At the centre is an information desk and coffee show. The museum covers 2 floors so isn’t too big, but big enough to spend a couple of hours wandering round. Great for all age groups, children will be able to try out toys that aren’t played with today.
Keep an eye out for exhibitions held at the Childhood museum, use the contact links for more information.
** Details are correct as of April 2014, use the contact details for more accurate information, including any prices.