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Wollaton Hall, Nottingham

A: Wollaton Park, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 2AE

T: 0115 8763 100


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Built in the 1580s Wollaton Hall is a majestic house which is now home a the area's Natural History museum and Industrial Museum in the out-buildings. The hall is set in 500 acres of spectacular parkland and gardens.


There are some hidden secrets within the grounds including a small walled botanic garden, situated adjacent to the stable block, has been developed and cared for by volunteers from the Nottingham Branch of the Hardy Plant Society since the early 1980s.


** Details are correct as of April 2016, before you take the trip to this activity, it's worth contacting them for more accurate information, including any prices and opening times.

You don't want a long trip home with disapointed children in the back of the car.








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