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Rockingham Castle,

Mkt Harborough

A: Rockingham Castle Estate, Market Harborough LE16 8TH

T: 01536 770240


  • Wix Facebook page


Rockingham castle was built on the instruction of William the Conqueror and is the formal residence of  James Saunders Watson and his wife Elizabeth. Take a tour of the castle and the grounds.


Lookout for medievil reinactment including jousting which is always good fun, use the contact details for more information.


You can enjoy lunch in the tea rooms at the castle or take a picnic and enjoy the splendid grounds.


** Details are correct as of April 2014, before you take the trip to this activity, it's worth contacting them for more accurate information, including any prices and opening times.

You don't want a long trip home with disapointed children in the back of the car.








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