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Bird of Prey Centre,
A: Cotton End Road, Wilstead, MK45 3DT
T: 01767 627527
See different birds of prey including Easgles, Hawks, vultures, owls and more. You'll get the chance to learn about the different species, ask questions and witness a flying disply.
You may get the chance to handle some owls and even join a course to learn even more about these magnificent birds.
Children can have parties or go in groups, use the contact details for more information. Being part of the young falconers club is also a great way to enjoy your day.
** Details are correct as of April 2014, before you take the trip to this activity, it's worth contacting them for more accurate information, including any prices and opening times.
You don't want a long trip home with disapointed children in the back of the car.
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